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We are recruiting Community Drivers and Passenger Assistants

‘WCT Bustler now offers an EV (Electric Vehicle) minibus drivers course’

Electric Vehicle Bustler at Woking Borough Council
Ev outside Woking Borough Council

Dial a Ride is now contactless

This is a convenient and easy way to pay via our contactless payment system requiring our passengers only to touch their contactless card onto the reader when they board the bus. If you do not have contactless you will be able to use your PIN number.

Each time you travel you can now also request a receipt for your fare, just give our driver your email address or mobile number and it will be sent to you once payment has been taken. This is a safe a secure method of payment and we are confident that all of our passengers will find it convenient and simple to use.

Welcome to Woking Bustler

This website is here to enable you to get more out of the services we offer to the Woking community. If you have any questions please email us using this link.
Woking Bustler acknowledges the generous support of Surrey County Council in developing this web site.

Woking Community Transport is registered under the Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies Act 2014 under registration no 27313R.

Good service icon

There's currently a good service running on the Woking Bustler

To Book a Bustler please call 01483 724433.

Woking Community Transport is registered under the Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies Act 2014 under registration no 27313R.

Community Events & News

Letter to DAR members

Letter to Dial-A-Ride members Please view the letter that has been sent to the members concerning the current situation of the Dial-A-Ride service. Established 1991 Excellence in Community Transport Administration: (01483) 744800 Booking Line: (01483) 724433 Fax: (01483) 757115 Email: enquiries@wokingbustler.org.uk [...]

The Woking Bustler proudly supports our community

The Bustler is funded and services many community groups across the Woking borough, including:

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